Vietnam trademark registration

Vietnam trademark registration


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Fees are calculated based on a trademark per class. The fees include official charges as well as service fees.

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Code : VTTM Category:


Our company offers comprehensive trademark registration services, providing our clients with an efficient and convenient registration process. In accordance with relevant regulations, the trademark registration process typically takes approximately 20 months to complete. Registered trademarks have a validity period of 10 years, and can be renewed within the 6 months preceding the expiration date.

When applying for trademark registration, the following documentation is required: 1) a JPEG image of the trademark design or textual mark, and 2) a copy of the company registration certificate (C/R) and/or business registration certificate (B/R) if applying on behalf of a legal entity, or a copy of the applicant's personal identification document if applying as an individual. This application process does not require notarization or consular legalization.

It is worth noting that our professional team can ensure that the required documentation is prepared within 1-2 working days. In the event that the application materials are incomplete, we will request the client to provide the missing information. Our IP Specialist will liaise with the client, and we will have the client review and confirm the accuracy of the information prior to submitting the application. We will assist the client in closely monitoring the progress of the application throughout the entire process.

The fees are calculated per trademark, per class. If your trademark covers multiple classes, please select the total number of classes. This fee includes the official fees and our service fees, assuming a smooth application process. However, it does not cover the handling of any official opinions, rejections or oppositions. Typically, each trademark registration application involves multiple classes, in order to ensure that various products and services are covered under the trademark protection. This approach also helps to simplify the application process and improve the overall registration efficiency.

The specific process for trademark registration is as follows :
Step 1. Online Payment
Step 2. Prepare the required documentation
Step 3. Client review and confirmation of the information
Step 4 . Submission of the application
Step 5. Official examination by the trademark office
Step 6. Publication of the trademark
Step 7. Issuance of the registration certificate

We will be assisting you with the trademark registration application process. Upon successful registration, we will send the registration certificate to you.

We also provide a professional trademark management system, which allows our clients to conveniently access and review the details of their application online at any time.

Process Duration (estimate)

20 months


10 years


6 months before expiry

Documents required

1) a JPEG image of the trademark design or textual mark, and
2) a copy of the company registration certificate (C/R) and/or business registration certificate (B/R) or
a copy of the applicant's personal ID

Notarization or legalization.

not necessary

Official Acknowledgment Receipt

1- 2 days

No. of Class


Process Flow

⬇︎Online Order
⬇︎Prepare the required documentation
⬇︎ Client review and confirmation of the information
⬇︎Submission of the application
⬇︎Official examination by the trademark office
⬇︎ Publication of the trademark
⬇︎ Issuance of the registration certificate


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